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Re: Re: (erielack) LogIn

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:51:22PM -0500, John C. Strole wrote:
> I seem to recall that you have to use  [First Initial][Membership
> Number][Last Initial], thus mine would be J3825S. 
> Unless I'm thinking of some other society!!

That's the routine. However, once you do that, you really should immediately change your password, because the site also 
shows who's currently logged in, both name and member number. So, the enterprising miscreant could easily check the site, 
record the info about who's logged, in, then try those credentials. What mischief said enterprising miscreant could get 
into, I don't know (I'm pure as the driven snow!).

Carl "Yellow Snow" Gustafson

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