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(rshsdepot) Union Depot; the Theater Train on the PP&CI and other small historical tidbits and musings

Union Depot, 5th Avenue and 36th Street, Brooklyn.  Are there any 
pictures of this? What year did the Union Depot open?

PP&CI, BB&CI used it, was it the Kings County El RR as well?

    a.. On the PP&CI winter schedule for 1893 a special train left the 
9th Ave. and 20th St. depot.

"Theater train leaves Ninth av. and Twentieth at Saturdays at 12 o'clock 

What year did this Prospect Park depot cease?

The PP&CI schedule also says that "EXTRA TRAINS will be run from Ninth 
Avenue and Twentieth on pleasant Sunday afternoons."

to Coney Island, Gravesend, Parkway Driving Club, Woodlawn and 

    a.. The Brighton Beach Railroad for Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay 
and Way Stations. From "Bedford Station" to Brighton Beach stopping on 
signal at all way stations. Excursion tickets 25=A2. Commutation tickets 
at less than regular rates...also additional trains on pleasant Sundays.
    b.. Bath Beach and Coney Island. Commutation rates 5=A2 a trip, via 
the Brooklyn L and Brooklyn, Bath Beach and West End railroads
    c.. New York and Sea Beach Railway winter Time Table ..between Third 
Ave. and 65th and Sea Beach Palace on Coney Island. No trains Saturdays 
or Holidays.
I didn't copy the Manhattan Beach schedule with the LIRR schedule. There 
was no ad/schedule for the Canarsie RR....

This was 9/24/1893 Eagle.

The Brooklyn Annex for Jersey City/Pennsylvania RR had a separate 
portion of the PRR schedules..

I see on the NYC schedules that there were two through trains a day to 
Pittsfield, Lenox, North Adams and the Berkshire Hills. via the Harlem 
Division. Yeah, they should reinstitute that service for sure. ...

On the World's Fair Special...it says there was "Complete Wagner 
service."  What was that?

[I seem to recall that at the Grand Army Plaza library there are indices 
for early  Eagles, also almanacs for these early years.]

The Railroad Station Historical Society maintains a database of existing
railroad structures at: http://www.rrshs.org
