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Amusing story, OT, brought on by RE: (erielack) Fw: POST OFFICE

> This has NOTHING to do w the Erie Lackawanna.
> Do we really want to get involved on this listserv w religion  (or the lack
> thereof) issues?
> Thanks - K A  Weller

No, we don't.  But this does remind me of an amusing story (probably deemed off-topic, I suppose).

A man I know, now divorced, when he married his wife arranged that they would have a civil ceremony,
not a church wedding, because neither he nor his wife were particularly religious.  However, this
greatly troubled his new mother-in-law, who really wanted to be sure that her new son-in-law and
their marriage was going to properly be respected in the eyes of the Almighty.  So, she just kind of
asked a lot of oblique questions about his, um, "persuasion" in this matter.

Now you have to understand that she was an immigrant from the "old country" and, being a bit
elderly, didn't have the sharpest knife in the drawer to work with.  So, when he told her that he
worshipped at the Church of the Southern Pacific," she just said, meekly, "Oh, I see . . . so . . .
. the sort of religion they practice there?  In the South Sea Islands?"  My friend never exactly
agreed with that, but just went on with the conversation.

It was years and years before the MIL became aware of what was what.  What really did it was when
the divorce came along, and they didn't have a lot of nice things to say to each other.  The cat
emerged from the bag then.

Today, MIL has passed on, and my friend and his wife have found that they are really Best Friends,
but they most definitely do NOT live together.

Sorry.  Back to the EL.


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