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(erielack) How times have changed

In the November/December 1962 E-L Magazine is another example of the Friendly
Service Route in the "Gillick's Railery" column on page 12:

"Buff" is a word that is being used
more and more these days to denote
a follower, a fan, or, as the Spanish
say, an aficionado. For instance, a rail-
road buff is someone who is inter-
ested in any or all phases of railroad
operation. We'd like to see more of

Nowadays, rail enthusiasts are considered by most railroads to be petty
criminals, particularly by NS management.


J. Henry Priebe Jr.       Blue Moon President & Network Administrator
root_@_bluemoon.net         www.bluemoon.net - Blue Moon Internet Corp
V.90, X2 & K56flex        www.railfan.net  - The Railfan Network
