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Re: (erielack) Some Passenger Car Questions

Dear Josh and Group,
It is, indeed, concrete.  And it does crack, usually just fissures, but
I have seen big slabs missing from car floors.  Water and salt-laden
slush tracked in by commuters surely took their toll. 

I'm not an EPA/OSHA expert, but be very careful of running afoul of
occupational health and safety regulations when working on old passenger
cars.  From that era, both the concrete and the linoleum surface above
it probably contain asbestos.  Anyone performing "heavy demolition" work
on the car interiors should wear a respirator.  Even if you're just
removing seat stanchions, concrete dust will be exposed around the bolt
holes.  It's probably safest to avoid disturbing it altogether if you

Cheers (I think),
Alan <quahog_@_sprint.ca>

Joshua K. Blay wrote:

> Lastly, what was the material used for flooring in these cars, and passenger
> cars in general?  It seems like a concrete material but I would think the
> car would move to much and the concrete would crack.  Any ideas?  Thanks
> very much!!!
> J.K.B.
> http://www.geocities.com/blayjk06
