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Re: (erielack) Off Topic (virus from listmember)

Fellow Listers,

For that reason, I use MSN Hotmail which scans all email attachments for 
viruses with current MacAfee scanning software.  Here's what it found:

W32/BadTrans_@_MM Virus Found

There is no cure available for the virus on the file hamster.ZIP.scr

And to add some EL content:  Researching recently, I came across an old DL&W 
bulletin that a friend had given me.  The wye at Branchville was taken out 
of service at 5:01 PM on April 12, 1955.  At the same time a "Run-around" 
track was placed in service at the same location.  That track was used by 
engines to run around their train instead of turning on the wye.

Tom Schmieder

>From: "James Harr" <bnchmark_@_eclipse.net>
>Reply-To: "James Harr" <bnchmark_@_eclipse.net>
>To: "ErieLack Digest" <erielack-digest_@_lists.railfan.net>
>Subject: (erielack) Off Topic (virus from listmember)
>Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 16:40:12 -0400
>Fellow Listmembers;
>I apologize for being WAY off topic; however, I felt this warranted
>attention. I recieved an e-mail from a list member with a virus attached; I
>won't name the member, as I'm sure it was done un-intentionally. It was a
>W32 trojan-type virus that sends itself to unread e-mail addresses;
>fortunately I utilize excellent virus-detection software and was spared any
>harm. Please, if you don't have it, get some virus-detection software and
>USE it! Plus, don't ever open attachments unless you're sure of it's 
>and only then after saving it to disk. I recognized the sender, and
>attempted to open the attachment, and like I say, fortunately my detection
>software did what it was supposed to.
>Again, I sincerely apologize for wasting bandwidth; I consider you all
>friends and just wanted you all to keep your heads up. Back to our 
>scheduled broadcast...
>Jim Harr

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