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(rshsdepot) Re: Kendrick, ID

Here is some more info on the petition to save the Kendrick, ID depot and
some contact email and phone numbers.

We have had some list members show great outrage and righteous indignation at
the destruction of historic RR landmarks. Here is another chance to make a
difference instead of just talking about it.


J. Henry Priebe Jr.    Blue Moon Internet Corp Network Administrator
www.bluemoon.net       Internet Access & Web Hosting
www.railfan.net        Railfan Network Services

- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:49:27 -0700
From: ThePetitionSite <petitions_@_earth.care2.com>

Dear J Henry,

You signed the petition, PETITION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE KENDRICK DEPOT, on Mar 23, 2009.   The petition received 500 signatures. The petition author, HISTORIC DEPOT PRESERVATION COMMITTEE, has now closed the petition and posted the results:
Message from the petition author, HISTORIC DEPOT PRESERVATION COMMITTEE:

- ---------------------------------

Dear Friends, Railfans and Historians,

We have reached our goal of five hundred signatures in just 25 days! Thank you each and everyone for taking the time to participate in this worthy cause.

Our battle is far from over as the Kendrick City Council has decided to go against the will of "WE THE PEOPLE" and destroy this historic treasure even though the vast majority of people voicing an opinion desire to preserve it. As you may know, the building was sold for a mere $50.00 and the new owner is under contract to tear down the depot within 90 days from March 9th.

There is still time to prevent the destruction of this historic building but we must act NOW!

The Kendrick City Council now needs to hear from "WE THE PEOPLE"

I was reminded recently about a conversation I had with the Mayor of Kendrick and that he had stated to me that no one had called or contacted him who supported the preservation of this historic depot.

Please contact the Kendrick City Council Office and let them know that you support the preservation of this historic railroad landmark - by email at: cityofkendrick_@_tds.net or by phone at: (208)289-5157.

You can also reach the mayor and city council members at the following numbers:

Mayor Dale Lisher: (208) 289-8346
Councilmember Mike Morgan: (208) 289-4531
Councilmember Donna Corkill: (208) 289-5931
Councilmember Jeremy Alexander: (208) 289-4398

Also, please stay in touch by way of our blog at: http://savethedepot.blogspot.com/

We will be posting updates for you so you can stay informed about our progress to save this historical landmark.

You can also email us at: saveourdepot_@_gmail.com

A special thanks to all those who are supporting our efforts!

"Hope lies eternal in the human heart and I am hopeful that this is the little train depot that could%u2026.could inspire a community to restore to life the heart and soul of this depot." - Abbie (Millard) Madsen

Love, Light and Life to you and yours,
Scott Thurston
Kendrick Depot Preservation Committee

"Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation ... It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is thus shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."~ Robert F. Kennedy


The Railroad Station Historical Society maintains a database of existing
railroad structures at: http://www.rrshs.org
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End of RSHSDepot Digest V1 #1865

The Railroad Station Historical Society maintains a database of existing
railroad structures at: http://www.rrshs.org