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Re: (rshsdepot) Fw: Trains in the Lehigh Valley

Paul S. Luchter wrote:

>Thanks Seth,
>Yes to more info, whatever you want to share. On various trains (let's say
>1956) on LV and on Reading (I see there were at least two ways on the
>Reading between Allentown and Philly, one via Reading, and one shorter but
>with few stops...
>What were the routes, the schedule times...and I am sure this is somewhere
>on RSHS pages, but the station or stations in Allentown....Did trains also
>continue from the Philly-Bethlehem route....
>I am looking for my old schedule but I have not figured out where that stuff
 >>>If you don't have a RDG timetable or a LV from that era, either I or 
somebody else on the list can lend you one.


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