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(rshsdepot) Lake Placid, NY

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From: Sarah Prince <ssprince_@_northnet.org>
Subject: Lake Placid, NY

The Adirondack Scenic Railroad (www.adirondackrr.com) has begun
running its Lake Placid/Saranac Lake schedule.

New this year, I'm pleased to find, is that tickets are sold in
Lake Placid from the real ticket window in the old depot building (the
town historical society museum - still costs a dollar to go inside;
well worth it in my opinion, and may hold the bathroom traffic down to
what one old stall can handle).

Last year the ticket office was in the caboose (shown in second
photo, with a wooden ramp on the far side of the caboose), far enough
away from the platform ; around the end of the tracks to be
inconvenient and not in line-of-sight for pointing out.

Saranac Lake's grander newly restored depot has a tourist
information desk in the main hall, and I believe that's where tickets
are sold.

Sarah (S.S.) Prince * ssprince_@_northnet.org
in downtown Keene Valley NY usa ~ 1020' altitude


End of RSHSDepot Digest V1 #83