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(rshsdepot) Re:SIRT

Re: B&O trains from Staten Island to Cranford:

I think we need to mention that we are talking about SIRT trains running from Cranford Jct over the AK moveable bridge into Staten Island. Not neccesarily B&O passenger trains.

B&O owned (or at least controlled) the SIRT, but I believe we actually need to be trying to find out if SIRT passenger trains ever ran west of Arlington Yard.

If someone on the list has some older SIRT public TTs, maybe they can answer this? I don't have anything earlier than the 1950's.

The SIRT Yard Office in Cranford (stood until sometime in the 1980's) at the South Ave (or whatever they call it in that neck of the woods)sure looked like a passenger station. 

A bunch of the old stations on the North Shore of the SIRT and on the South Beach branch are/were still standing - anybody have a complete list? I remember at least 2 on the North Shore line and 1 on the South Beach branch. 

Frank Garon
