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(erielack) A&GW RR. Close Call at Akron - 1877

Akron, OH Rescue from Train Accident, Jul 1877
Posted  November 24th, 2007 by _Linda Horton_ 
Within Two Feet of Death. 
Spectators at the depot this morning witnessed a very exciting incident, 
just  as the A. & G. W. train, No. 12, which goes east, came in. Mrs. A. Ben 
Camp,  of Warren, accompanied by a friend, whom she had been visiting, was 
walking  between the two roads at the A. & G. W. freight depot, as the train 
came, at  a high rate of speed, around the bend. When the engine was within 
ten feet of  the lady, she attempted to cross in front of it, to the surprise 
and horror of  all who witnessed the act, for the train was moving so fast 
that it seemed  certain the lady could by no possible means escape being 
struck. As she stood  for a moment on the track, Mr. H. C. Viele, who was on 
the platform of the  freight house, reached down and jerked her off her feet 
to a place of safety  beside him. It all transpired seemingly in an instant, 
and but for Mr. V's  promptness and strength, the lady would have been 
killed, the locomotive being  within two feet of her when she was seized by her 
The Summit County Beacon, Akron, OH 11 Jul  1877

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