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RE: (erielack) Interline Switching Waybill

Steve Twarogowski wrote:

> To continue with the discussion about the paperwork used and 
> the use of home road vs. foreign cars, I've scanned and sent 
> to the list an EL Interline Switching Waybill.  It is a 
> boxcar of coffee from Maxwell House in Hoboken for General 
> Foods in Youngstown to be delivered to the YS (Youngstown &
> Southern) via the PRR at Haselton Yard.  You can clearly see 
> the stamp on the waybill "Abstracted Haselton Yard" and on 
> the back is a stamp showing the time received or checked in 
> at Haselton Yard.  I have an entire stack of these things for 
> General Foods in Youngstown.  Most are like this one, coffee 
> from Maxwell House in Hoboken.  Others are from General Foods 
> in Kankakee, IL and are loads of dog food and animal feed; a 
> few others are cereal from General Foods in Battle Creek, MI 
> and General Foods in Buffalo, NY.

Very interesting waybill! Here's my question: Maxwell House in Hoboken was on the Hoboken Shore RR, so this car would have been interchanged to the EL at Weehawken. So... the EL waybill only accounts for the portion of travel from when it first arrives on the EL? Why is the Hoboken Shore not factored into this bill?

	- Paul

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