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Re: (erielack) DLW/Erie/EL corporate history

     FYI, I just got my monthly NRHS bulletiin for the L&WV (Laurel Line) chapter in Scranton. They have a great article on the DL&W coal business which will be continued next month. Prior to this, they had a 3-part article on Syracuse and the short-lived attempt to restore psgr service there by the Susquehanna RR. I felt bad seeing how the S&U had changed from when I worked there in the 60s & now even the attempt to revive psgr. svc. is gone. The article on the DL&W coal business sounds like something from a corporate history.

Walt Smith

From: "Njricky2_@_aol.com" <Njricky2@aol.com>
To: erielack_@_lists.railfan.net
Sent: Wed, December 2, 2009 12:36:41 AM
Subject: Re: (erielack) DLW/Erie/EL corporate history


Since I'm no longer a member of ELHS, I assume that they ran something on 
the cooperate history of the railway.

Are you looking for a detailed cooperate history on DLW/Erie/EL? If so, I 
may be able to help you in terms of direction on this.

I was with Standard & Poor's for many years (Poor's Railway Manuals, etc.; 
I read the original volumes). they were bound in blue. We had a division 
called "Corporation Records" that I worked in. Back then, they were wire-bound 
volumes of corporate histories, including all railroads, complete with 
details on trackage, tonnage, stock transactions in terms of acquisitions, bond 
issuances, and of course the merger. Again, all in detail and presented in a 
factual manner, not stock analyzing. Another division that I later joined 
did the stock analysis.

I left there in 1992 to work at another house downtown before joining the 
government in 1994. During my time there, I would sit in the library at lunch 
time and pour over the stuff. It was all there. I was a kid in a candy 

Standard & Poor's is owned by the McGraw-Hill Companies and was when I was 
with them. I continued on with S&P as a securities analyst, editor, proofer, 
etc., but that's another story.

Unfortunately, I have no contacts at S&P but I'm sure the information is 
intact in one form or another. Many things were also on microfiche as we had 
an extensive collection of stuff and I'm sure they have it.

They are now located at 55 Water St., NYC. Again, I have no contacts there 
but I'm sure there is a way to find out if this is what you're looking for. 
Remember, they documented both railroads in detail in a standard template 
that we used. It might be worth a shot and who knows? Maybe there's 
information on the Winton. You should have seen the volumes written on the PC merger 
and again, all factual.

Hope this helps. Let me know.


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