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Re: (erielack) Erie Symbol freight trains


I have an EL freight schedule from 6-1961. It appears that at that point, 
Erie and Lackawanna freight ops had not yet been integrated, and freight 
symbols and classifications were probably little changed from 1957. I can 
send you a copy if you like. I also have a schedule from I think the early 
1950's which was lent out to a Mr Twarogowski well over a year ago, and I 
can try to round it up as well.

Paul B

From: "Brian J Carlson" <brian_@_net.bluemoon.net>
Subject: (erielack) Erie Symbol freight trains

I am finally starting to research the specific freight  and passenger trains
of the Erie. I have the 6 passenger trains (3 EB, 3 WB) covered from an ETT.
Is there a listing of the freight train symbols and destinations out there.
I am modeling 1957, so I am looking for a list from that time frame.

Brian J Carlson P.E.
Cheektowaga NY

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