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(erielack) puzzled by Lambert's Erie Dunmore caboose


I've just joined your list after not finding an answer to my question in your interesting archives. My latest purchase, an HO Erie Dunmore caboose by Lambert just arrived and I am a bit puzzled by its height... it looks higher than any rolling stock I own. It peeps out above the highest 50' boxcars (although admittedly my rolling stock is all pre-1959, no Hi-Cubes or Twin stack containers etc). 

I've posted a pic of my model here: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/limosalimosa/RR-stuff/cabeese-1.jpg comparing it with two other models. It's cuppola grab irons stand 1 mm higher than the NYC ex Big Four caboose sitting next to it, but as you can see it's roof is much higher than the other caboose roofs. When it arrived it was even higher still, I've removed washers that were between trucks and bolsters. 

I've read somewhere that the Erie, being originaly built on a broader gauge, had a larger tunnel profile. Would this larger profile be visible like this?  

I guess basically my question is, do I need to lower it even further or can I stop worrying? 

Or, more to the point: what is the height of those Dunmore cabooses in reality?

many thanks in advance, 

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