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(erielack) More pictures from the ELDCPS convention

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IMG_7565_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 1136x852 276171 bytes, BF: 3.50 ppb)
IMG_7574_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 1136x852 274394 bytes, BF: 3.53 ppb)
IMG_7604_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 1136x852 216558 bytes, BF: 4.47 ppb)
IMG_7614_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 852x1136 320596 bytes, BF: 3.02 ppb)
IMG_7618_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 852x1136 287978 bytes, BF: 3.36 ppb)
IMG_7619_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 852x1136 231886 bytes, BF: 4.17 ppb)
IMG_7626_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 852x1136 260148 bytes, BF: 3.72 ppb)
IMG_7639_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 1136x852 299722 bytes, BF: 3.23 ppb)
IMG_7659_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 1136x852 227311 bytes, BF: 4.26 ppb)
IMG_7676_resize.jpg (image/jpeg, 1136x852 231784 bytes, BF: 4.18 ppb)

Most should be self-explanatory... :)  The DL&W tower (inside and out) is Steamtown's newly-restored Mattes Street Tower. We were the first public group to see this magnificent piece!

	- Paul

 <<IMG_7565_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7574_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7604_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7614_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7618_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7619_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7626_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7639_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7659_resize.JPG>>  <<IMG_7676_resize.JPG>> 

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