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(erielack) Update on Stripping

That subject line ought to get everyone's attention!

I thought I would provide an update on my results from using different paint

My Bachmann Spectrum Pullmans that I will be painting in Erie colors have
been through a real chemical bath.  I still haven't found what works but the
followng is what I have discovered so others don't have to go through this:

I started out with brake fluid, but that only caused the paint to become
"mushy" and kind of sticky.  It didn't actually remove the paint.  I was
worried that it was eating the plastic, but I have since confirmed that it
has not.

Someone suggested Windex.  I have found that it removes decals good enough
but only stripped  Tyco paint (I'm stripping some other shells as well as
the Bachmann).  It did nothing to regular Bachmann or AHM/Rivarossi paint.
My conclusion:  Windex may possibly be a good cheap decal remover, but a
poor paint stripper.

Next, I used a heavy-duty cleaner that I found in the local Dollar Store
called "Greased Lightning".  It took off paint all right, but it left a
residue that was hard and crusty and a little hard to remove.  It didn't do
anything to the Spectrum shells, however - except bleach the paint residue

Next, I used ELO.  After one week of daily applications the only thing it
seemed to do was turn the paint residue gray.

Fed up, I scrubbed the shell with a brass wire toothbrush and physically
removed most of the paint residue.  After all the chemical dippings, it
appears the residue has weakened enough to do this easy enough.  Rivet
detail is still in place and there is no doubt the plastic is still in good
shape.  Now, one of the shells is back in the old stand-by brake fluid.  I'm
hoping enough paint residue has been removed that the remaining paint around
the details will come off successfully.  I'll keep you posted.

One other thing I discovered is that the paint on AHM/Rivarossi passenger
cars has a toughness that varies widely when dipped in brake fluid.  Some
cars strip very easily, some are very difficult, and some are in between.
All cars were dipped in fresh brake fluid of the same brand (Castrol).

Dave Green
ELHS #1366


End of EL List Daily V3 #1585