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Re: (erielack) Some more food for thought...

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph D. Fisher" <Fish_76_@_webtv.net>
> So the question is, how bad was it really? Anyone got some photos of the
> trackage right before "C-Day"?

I don't know from first hand experience, but I used to have a copy of
"Railway Track & Structures" magazine from ~'78, and the cover article was
about scrapping the EL line through Western (at least) Ohio and Indiana.
Now it was painful enough to read about the scrapping of MY railroad, but to
also read in that article that "it was a real shame to scrap such a fine,
well-built and maintained line as this" or words to that effect made it even
more troubling.

The article also speculated that the EL suffered because of the executive
level of Conrail being made up of PC people mostly, so the EL was going to
be toast even if it had a better built and located line.



End of EL List Daily V3 #872