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Re: (erielack) EL gp7 painting

Mike - Accupaint has their own brand of thinner. In a
pinch, you can use denatured alcohol. I usually use
the accupaint thinner for thinning and the denatured
alcohol for cleaning the airbrush (saves a few bucks).

I would also suggest painting the engine using
accupaint's weathered black. While the Athearn engines
are black already, it's too shiny and sometimes the
black varies in shade. I haven't purchased accupaint
in a long time and don't know if it's still available.
Maybe someone else on the board can shed some light on

I never primed any freight car or plastic locomotive I
painted. I thoroughly was the item with soap and an
old toothbrush in warm water and let it dry. You may
find that two light coats of the black will be
sufficient. The yellow will require several coats.

Bob Mitchell
ELHS 899

- --- Michael Dickinson <squeaky_@_netsync.net> wrote:
> Listers, I am painting an Athearn GP7 in the
> black/yellow paint scheme.
> I will be using the Accu-paint Light Imitation Gold.
> What is a good
> thinner to use with this paint? Will I need to use a
> primer on the black
> Athearn shell or just 2-3 coats paint? I know that
> this is not totally
> accurate model but not to many people who see it are
> rivet counters or
> EL fans. It will be for show only.            
> Thanks  Mike Dickinson
> ELHS #837

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