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Re: (erielack) AMTRAK F-40s for Pocono service? AEM7ACs Anyone?,

In a message dated 6/25/00 7:17:04 AM, "gkazin_@_netscape.net" writes:


I am sure this is what the report said, but it is a short-sighted and 
Morris-centric outlook at best. THe service will meet these needs no matter 
what. What is at question is how to serve the western end points (Scranton, 
and likely beyond). Those people, if you listen and read the news from the 
Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley region only care about New York City.

That's where the long haul will be on the route.

Serve Morris County and the MorrisMafia, but don't let the $$$$ blind the 
states into ignoring the other significant potential ridership, that's all I 
am saying.


<<The 'potential ridership surveys' indicate that there is significant weekday
(people going to work) traffic coming from the Poconos bound for Morris County
- - Dover, Morristown, Convent (existing shuttles to companies like Exxon in
Florham Park), Summit (Gladstone Branch to Murray Hill and Lucent), and Newark
(walk or bus to Prudential, Blue Cross, colleges) and that over 90% of those
boarding west of Dover would be off the train before it ran east of Newark.  

Weekend service needs close connections at Dover to keep trip time down.>>

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