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RE: (erielack) ABPR on Wednesday

Henry and Listmembers:

I don't know where the picture for 856 is located also, but what a great
pic.  I'm going to print it out and use it to help design an urban terminal
/ station area - great detail.  My guess here is, given the lack of any
hills in the background, that it is probably in the Great Lakes region (i.e.
Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago) or with the PA's in the black scheme, possibly
Jersey City?

My guess (and a weak one) for 826 is Buffalo.  I don't know what the
proximity of the Erie's passenger station there was to Central Terminal, but
look in the upper right corner above the roof and notice the top of the
building partially shown there.  I know it somewhat tenuous, but it the best
I could come up with.



- -----Original Message-----
From:	"erielack-owner_@_internexus.net" [mailto:erielack-owner@internexus.net]
On Behalf Of Blue Moon Network Administrator
Sent:	Wednesday, May 31, 2000 7:51 AM
To:	EL Mail List
Subject:	(erielack) ABPR on Wednesday

F's, E's, PA's and a lone RS-2

Anyone know where the first shot of PA 856 was taken?
ERIE856BillWeibel.jpg shows a number of distinctive landmarks such as the
freight house and water tower.

Can anyone hazard a guess where E8 826 was shot? Cleveland?
