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(erielack) Scranton PAX service

Christopher P. Bujara wrote......

>>In addition to the concerns mentioned in Gary's excellent posting,
Amtrak have some restriction on allowing anything with a fuel tank throug=
the North River tunnels? I seem to recall that even private cars with
HEP generators were not allowed. Does anyone know for sure?<<

Things aren't quite that bad.  Diesel fuel is not that combustible, and
there is no prohibition about transporting it into New York, whether it's=

in the belly of a private car or a locomotive.  It creates smoke and fume=
when consumed, though, and THAT is prohibited (though often violated) in
New York.  Some private cars use propane gas for various purposes.  THAT =
a no-no in New York, no questions allowed.

I operate a private car which has, on many occasions, operated its diesel=

generator in New York's Penn Station, sometimes to the utter frustration =
Amtrak personnel. There were good reasons, it isn't just nose-thumbing, b=
it does happen.

David Ross
Cliffside Park, NJ

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