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Re: (erielack) Scanton Pax Service

In addition to the concerns mentioned in Gary's excellent posting, doesn't
Amtrak have some restriction on allowing anything with a fuel tank through
the North River tunnels? I seem to recall that even private cars with diesel
HEP generators were not allowed. Does anyone know for sure?

Chris Bujara, Clifton, NJ

- ----- Original Message -----
From: Gary R. Kazin <"iu136_@_cleveland.Freenet.Edu">
To: <"erielack_@_internexus.net">
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: (erielack) Scanton Pax Service

> Let me add my two-cents worth.  The Scranton service proposals
> plan to operate from Hoboken for a number of reasons.  Some have
> already been addressed.

Visit the erielack photopage at http://el-list.railfan.net
