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(erielack) Re: Erielack Digest V2 #300

In 1914+ the most famous articulateds, the Triplexes (2-8-8-8-2) were
built.  They weren't very successful either.  Couldn't even be called the
SDP-45s of their day.

Biggest problem was they had no superheaters. I think it was about 5 years
or so after yhey scraped them that the super heater was created. Read the
story on page 208 in Erie power about a guy who hand fired the 5014 from JA
to XR. Now THAT'S a real man!!!

Oh yeah, Bill Gallagher, I almost blew coffee all over my moniter on that
"Nuts off of a frog" joke!!!

Blake D. Tatar


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