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(erielack) Fw: Erie FA's in early EL freight paint

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From: Phoebe Westbound <"mmjenks_@_mkl.com">
To: "erielack_@_internexus.net"
Subject: Erie FA's in early EL freight paint
Date: Sunday, June 07, 1998 10:22 AM

Hello group,
I am looking for some painting assistance with a brace of Alco FA/FB-1's. I
want to paint the models in the early EL freight scheme of black and yellow
and I have a few questions. In the majority of published photos I've seen
the units are not lettered, but they sport the EL diamond in yellow on the
sides and in black on the nose. Were these units, when originally painted,
given the yellow railroad roman ERIE-LACKAWANNA on the sides, same as can
be seen on the EMD F's or the RS's for that matter, or were they given only
the diamond ? Any assistance that you fellows could provide along with
additional information would be most appreciated. Thanks. 
Matt Forsyth

An update:June 8,1998
Hi again gents. So far I have only had one response to my question about EL
FA original paint schemes.
How about it Paul T. or Mike D., or any other member for that matter. Can
anyone help me in my latest quest? Again, I thank you all in advance for
any and all assistance in this matter.
Matt Forsyth

Visit the erielack photopage at http://el-list.railfan.net
