SOUTHERN RAILWAY Automatic Block, Interlocking, TC and Remote Control Signals RULE NAME INDICATION HIGH SIGNAL DWARF SIGNAL ============================================================================== 301 Clear Proceed G G G G G G R R | R | | R | R # # | G G | | | | | | R # | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 302 Approach Proceed, Y Y Y Y Diverging approaching G G G | next signal R | # | Y prepared to | | | | G diverge | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 303 Advance Proceed, Y Y Y Y Approach prepared Y Y | Y to stop at R | Y # Y next signal | | | | Y | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 304 Diverging Proceed R R R Route through G R G Clear diverging R G | R route | | | G | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 306 Approach Proceed, >Y< >Y< >Y< >Y< >Y< Slow approaching R R R | | next signal R | # # | >Y< >Y< at slow speed | | | | | R # | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 306.1 Diverging Diverge; R R R Route approach >Y< >Y< R Approach next signal R | >Y< R Slow at slow speed | | | >Y< | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 307 Approach Proceed, Y Y Y Y Y Y prepared to R R | R | | stop at next R | R # # | Y Y signal | | | | | | R # | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 308 Diverging Diverge, R R Route prepared to Y Y Approach stop at next R | R signal | | Y | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 309 Restricted Proceed at R R R R Proceed restricted R | R | speed Y Y # # Y R | | | | | # | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 310 Stop Stop R R R R R R | | R | R | R R | | | | R | | | | | | | ============================================================================== KEY: G green Y yellow >Y< flashing yellow R red # number plate on signal mast | signal mast (used to show spacing of signal heads) Each vertical column of characters represents one possible signal configuration. Signal heads may be 3-light or searchlight types; both carry the same meanings. The taller columns represent high signals, while the shorter ones represent dwarf signals. ============================================================================== REFERENCE: Norfolk Southern Kentucky Division ETT #8 (12/30/92) ============================================================================== Transcribed by Richard Hosker 2/7/94 ==============================================================================