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(rshsdepot) Glassboro, NJ

Glassboro wants to revive their former West Jersey RR/PRR/PRSL railroad


Much has changed since Jim Dent posted about it to the list in August of 2002:


Thanks to Alco83 on the Railfan.net forums for the heads up.


J. Henry Priebe Jr.    Blue Moon Internet Corp Network Administrator
www.bluemoon.net       Internet Access & Web Hosting
www.railfan.net        Railfan Network Services

Glassboro wants to revive historic railroad station

By JEREMY ROSEN . Courier-Post Staff . May 6, 2009 

Officials here are determined to restore the borough's historic train station
into a museum and welcome center.

Reopening the station at Oakwood and Whitney avenues is key to a planned
downtown revival, in addition to the $300 million Rowan Boulevard project,
said Randi Woerner, Glassboro's director of economic development.

Woerner said that would create a historic niche downtown, including the nearby
Hollybush Mansion and, on High Street, the Glassboro Heritage Glass Museum and
the South Jersey Museum of American History.

But borough officials said they need more money to make the station operable
for the first time since the 1970s. A yard sale is to be held at the station
Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon as part of a series of fund-raising events.

"For years, the borough has sought to secure funding sources for the train
site," said Mayor Leo McCabe, adding the borough's Historic Preservation
Commission is raising awareness of the project's merits.

Woerner said there are plans to fix the roof and revamp the floor plan of one
of the borough's few structures from the 1860s. She said a security fence is
to be installed around the wooden station.

"It will be something nice for one of our older neighborhoods," she said.

A renovated train station would bring more people to town, said Woerner and
Carol Wolf, manager of the Glassboro Public Library on Center Street.

"It would be . . . another place for people to go when they come downtown,"
Wolf said. "There would a symbiotic relationship between the museums and
retail and restaurants along Rowan Boulevard."

The borough bought the station from private owners in 2004, using $230,000 in
state grants. It used $100,000 from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning
Commission to create architectural and engineering drawings.

The borough has $99,000 left of that money for construction, but Woerner said
a timeline isn't possible until more money is raised.

The borough also plans a yard sale at the station for June 6, from 7 a.m. to

Woerner said the borough will continue seeking state grants and will have a
fundraising dinner later this year.

Reach Jeremy Rosen at (856) 486-2456 or jrosen_@_camden.gannett.com

The Railroad Station Historical Society maintains a database of existing
railroad structures at: http://www.rrshs.org
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