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Re: (rshsdepot) FW: Nice Station Site...

      Phillip Segui, a new member of the society, and I have gone over the structures in South Carolina; some could be added; some no longer existed.  I pruned the mileage to realistic levels.  No Marion or Mullins.  Mary Lehr and I are making a dry run for the four days.  I know  the fourth day  is usually by car pool and looser.  I have made contact with a bus company Mary likes and made an initial contact with a reasonable hotel In Mount Pleasant.
    Do I submit mileage to you in June?  We can have a dinner in the depot in Columbia.  Mary has a speaker for the banquet.  She really is a co-leader.  What procedures do we need to follow? 
     Jan says the wedding was wonderful.
             Ted Xakellis

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