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Re: (rshsdepot) The Allentown & Auburn Railroad: story of a dream unfulfilled

Geoff Brown wrote:

>Bridge abutments seem indeed to be the most enduring relic of a
>departed railroad.  When I tried to find artifacts of the O&W in
>Liberty, NY last summer 
 >>>Interestingly, for MANY years, Liberty's beautiful O & W station (I 
think it had some kind of unique turret or some such on the roof) 
"there" and in it's last some years was a bar or restaurant.  The r/w 
was very visible in both directions.  Unfortunately, about five or six 
years ago (maybe a little longer, but I don't think much more than that) 
there was a fire that was attributed to arson and sadly burned the fine 
little building to the ground.  The Catskills, sadly, have no real sense 
of history, and only  a very few O & W structures of any kind remain.

The Railroad Station Historical Society maintains a database of existing
railroad structures at: http://www.rrshs.org
