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(rshsdepot) In my merry Oldsmobile . . . A visitor from New Mexico crashes the party

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On Saturday evening, 9/22, it was well after hours, but apparently a foamer
-From New Mexico was so carried away with the railroady atmosphere that she
just could not keep out of the Delaware & Ulster Rail Ride depot (former
Ulster & Delaware RR freight depot, the passenger depot having been
destroyed by a runaway milk truck 30 years ago . . . ) at Arkville, Delaware
County, NY.  Local scuttlebutt is she was DWI (no kiddin' !!) & various
other less flattering rumors; she was fortunately not hurt; damage to the
depot on second look is seemingly somewhat less severe than it appears here;
the Olds will hopefully be replaced by a smaller, lighter, less powerful
car, in case she ever has this in mind again . . .


End of RSHSDepot Digest V1 #162