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Re: (erielack) RFD defined and EL RMS ?

Not infrequently there was, and this sort of rough treatment helped UPS take
business from Parcel Post. UPS emphasized careful handling, and that's why
the brown delivery trucks are still called "package cars".

Paul B


Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 20:38:21 -0700 (PDT)

From: walter smith <wsmith5957_@_yahoo.com>

Subject: Re: (erielack) RFD defined and EL RMS ?


Well, Frank, I can't speak for western NY.......but in the late 1960s when
I'd deadhead from Scranton to Binghamton to cover yard jobs, I'd ride in the
trailing engine on #5 and see from the cab as the mailbags flew out of the
RPO and went bouncing along the platform at places like Dalton. I remember
wondering if there was anything breakable inside.............


Walter E. Smith - employee #102156


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