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Re: (erielack) Painting oddities... the covered hoppers

Well, that does make sense, Ron, but looking at the photo, the eastern face 
of the gorge is so steep, it would be hard to imagine a car not rolling all 
the way down from the top. Paul, you're not imagining Larry's coverage of 
the incident in his book, although he does not mention the ultimate 
disposition of that particular car. A similar incident occurred on SR's 
Rathole in Tennessee in 8/1973, when a CH loaded with cement hopped off the 
track and rolled down an embankment, while the train recoupled itself before 
stopping. Gotta watch those mischievous CH's!

Paul B

From: "Ronald" <rdukarm_@_roadrunner.com>
Subject: Re: (erielack) Painting oddities... the covered hoppers

> Paul, I have not beenfollowing the story about the covered hopper  that
> ended in the gorge, but I do remember a covered hopper that was loaded
> with corn that rolled over into the parking lot as you go into the park.
> Winters Wrecking from Langford , N.Y. empited the corn Out and got the car
> out of there. Jerry H.

Paul and List,

There is a roadway which goes under the bridge near the top of the Falls. I
haven't been there in 20 years but I think it is perhaps 30-35 feet under
the bridge. The hopper could have gone over at this point. The sides slope
down to the road. I think if it had fallen 200 feet into the gorge, there
would be many photos, as it would take several days to get that out and you
have thousands of people always taking pictures there..

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