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RE: (erielack) Interline Switching


I'm not sure why you think dependent shortlines would not appear on the 
consist sheets. As well as BEDT, I see the B&H, L&WV, D&MM, and I suspect I 
would find the others if I had the time to look.

Paul B

This is great, and is ample evidence of why these roads never appear on
train consists as destination roads. Though interestingly, BEDT *does*
appear on those consist sheets (even though it appears on this form)

Also note that "MHM" is the Mount Hope Mineral, but by this point the MHM
was fully part of the CNJ (for many, many years) - and the MHM was not
dependent on the EL, since it connected right to the CNJ. I can't imagine a
car being destined for the "MHM" (unless that was a different road?)

- - Paul

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