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(erielack) Website Update


I have added Erie Freight Connections and Junction Points - July, 1950:

I have added DL&W Freight Connections and Junction Points - July, 1950:

Both of these files are excerpted from The Official Railway Equipment Registry.

At the end of each list is a link to download a Microsoft Word version of the 

ORER Home Page:  http://www.jon-n-bevliles.net/RAILROAD/ORER/orer.html

More to come!

Note:  I am optimizing these files to display in 1024 x 768 resolution or 
better with normal (100%) size text.  If anyone is still using 800 x 600 
resolution, or is using larger or largest (>100%) text size, they may not 
display properly.

Jon Liles
ELHS # 3158
ELHTS # 45
CVRHS # 195
NMRA # 125464

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	Sponsored by the ELH&TS
