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RE: (erielack) Operations of CNJ-EL SE-98/ES-99 (and power)


Looks like somebody forgot to spray the weedkiller on the tracks


                      "Tupaczewski, Paul                                                                                           
                      R (Paul)"                                                                                                    
                      <paultup_@_lucent.com To:     "'Paul Brezicki'" <doctorpb@bellsouth.net>                                       
                      >                           erielack_@_lists.railfan.net                                                       
                      Sent by:            cc:                                                                                      
                      erielack-owner_@_list Subject:                                                                                 
                      s.elhts.org                 RE: (erielack) Operations of CNJ-EL SE-98/ES-99 (and power)                      
                      10/27/2005 09:33 AM                                                                                          
                      Please respond to                                                                                            
                      "Tupaczewski, Paul                                                                                           
                      R (Paul)"                                                                                                    

NOTE: This message had contained at least one image attachment.
To view or download the image(s), click on or cut and paste the
following URL into your web browser:


1277_Train_SE-98-Gouldsboro_PA_-_7-75_-_John_Durant.jpg (image/jpeg,
640x480 90823 bytes, BF: 3.38 ppb)

Paul B. wrote:

> Paul, I see you're not familiar with my psychic
> powers....actually, a train
> which fits this description appears in V4 of the softcover series "The
> Northeast RR Scene", published about 25 yrs ago. It was taken by Bob
> Pennisi; you had mentioned that you had several of his pics in your
> collection,

Bingo! :)

Attached is another shot, taken by John Durant, of an SE-98 with a lot of
head-end pigs at Gouldsboro, PA.

> Speaking of consist
> sheets, you had
> mentioned a while back that Bob Malinowski had given you
> several from the
> late 60's; any chance of you posting those for us?

If I can dig them up (can't remember where I placed them), I will. These
are getting yellowed (non-acid free paper, alas)

             - Paul

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