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(erielack) Solid sets of power on CNJ run-throughs

Based on Bob Bahrs' comment yesterday that the CNJ and EL tried to keep solid sets of their own power on the SE-98/ES-99 trains, I looked through my photo collection to confirm. It definitely seems that during 1972, the power sets were all solid CNJ or EL (I only found one picture that shows a CNJ SD40/EL SD45 on a train together), but during 1973 the mixing up started. So Bob, based on your theory, perhaps 1/1/73 was the official date of the "mixing of power?"

Also, has anyone ever seen EL power being used in local service on the CNJ? There's a shot in Larry DeYoung's EL vol. 3 that shows CNJ SD40 3067 on an EL local out of Scranton, which shows that the EL did this at least once, but did the CNJ do that as well?

	- Paul

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