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Re:Re: (erielack) A Tense Kodak Moment

Steve -- Tell me, please, how many 60 year old digital photos can you pull up and view?

We are living in a magnetic field and trusting all our memories to magnetic impulses -- DUH!!

Fortunatly, at 73 and counting, I will not have a problem.  I can take out my ERIE slides, and my ALASKA slides, and my EL and CONRAIL slides and look at them.  Then I'll be gone.  And so will they, because "nobody does slides anymore".

Oh, well!

Let the flaming begin!  At least it will be magnetic and not last that long.

Oh . . . by the way: did you see Fuji's announcement that they were giving up on film?  You didn't?  Really?

Well, now  . . . 

Randy Brown
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In a message dated 10/7/2005 5:56:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,   gkazin_@_yahoo.com writes:

Remember  the Chinese philosopher who said 'May you live in interesting times.'   Here we are!

The only thing I could tell you is you have to adjust to the  times!!! Keep  your carousel and slides for reminiscing and viewing, but switch  to taking  digital photos in the future! Just suck it up and deal with  it!

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