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(erielack) BD tower at night & East end, Conklin yard

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DL_W_East_End_yard_office_Conklin_Ny.jpg (image/jpeg, 229x216 12805 bytes, BF: 3.86 ppb)
BD_tower_at_night.jpg (image/jpeg, 214x213 6343 bytes, BF: 7.19 ppb)

This yard office, seldom visited by officials, was the scene of the action when Mr. Moonshower, Supt. called on the magneto phone and was answered by"Nuthouse" or "Funnyfarm" (it was across the river from the state hospital). Moonshower yelled "Do you know who you're talking to!!!" "Nooo, Do YOU know who you're talking to??"  "NO!!"
"Good, click" (as they hung up). Ed Clancy (trainmaster) spent some time trying to find out who 
answered the phone and I must admit to this day I don't KNOW who it was although I have my suspicions. 
   The B&W foto is of 'BD' interlocking between the former ERIE & DL&W mainlines. ERIE is on the left & an eastbound is going by. My train was on the DL&W side waiting o cross over to go to 'YO' yard. I took 3 or 4 shots, but only this one came out. If I remember correctly, the operator on duty was a guy named Sullivan, nicknamed of course 'Sully'.
Regards to all,
Walt Smith

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