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Re: (erielack) Kodak

Kodak told me in no uncertain terms how much my business meant to them.  
Tried to have slide dupes made -- they all came back looking like Vasaline had  
been smeared on the lens when the dupes were made. They were sent back and the  
second set of dupes all had a spot on them (looks like a spec of dirt was on 
the  lens). It took the third try before I got a good set of dupes. Admittedly 
I was  only charged for one set of dupes, but the aggravation and b.s. I had 
to go  through was not worth it....found a local place (Helix) in Chicago that 
does  great work.
As for the film...unless I went specifically to a camera shop there was no  
assurance that I could get what I wanted (ASA, exposures) and the price just  
kept on creeping up and up. Tried Fuji and, like Mr. Blake Tatar became a  
convert. Not only can I find it but at a good price -- Fuji WANTS my business.  
Fuji has made a very satisfied customer.
Now that Kodak has gone out of the slide projector business there is no  
reason for me to ever do business with them...my opinion of Kodak over the  last 
eight years rates a "digital" (i.e.: one digit) review...
Bill Shapotkin

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