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RE: Rahway Valley Photo was Re: (erielack) FW: NYSW List - M orristown & Erie ( Off topic)

Chuck Walsh wrote:

> >One additional point: correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe 
> that the DL&W
> >(and maybe later the EL as well) owned a significant chunk 
> of RV stock
> >similar as to what was done with the L&HR and to a lesser 
> extent the Nickel
> >Plate.

I always thought the RV was a purely independent, family-owned road. (The Clark family, if memory serves me). From an investment point of view, I can't see why the DL&W would want any part of the RV. The interchange, as others have pointed out, was minimal. The RV's ownership was similar to the Morristown & Erie - a family-run entity (in the M&E's case, the McEwan family). In fact, the parallels between the RV and M&E are interesting: Both roads served many local industries along their lines; the endpoints of the lines interchanged with different Class 1 roads; and both roads replaced their steam fleet with a pair of diesels (though M&E bought their almost a decade apart, while the RV got them at the same time)

Here's a question: Interchange was performed at Summit - but where did they park the interchange cars? Behind the layover yard? There's not much room there, so I was curious where they did this.

As an aside, the Whippany Railway Museum is now restoring RV 16 to its as-delivered deep-red-and-yellow paint scheme. It will sadly not run, since during its long period of storage, the exhaust stack was uncapped and the engine block got filled with water.  More details can be found at: http://www.whippanyrailwaymuseum.org/eq_rahway.htm

	- Paul

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