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(erielack) What >is< that caboose it's coupled to?

What >is< that caboose it's coupled to?

Looks to me like about a 26 Ft round roof ( coupala
less ) caboose much like the Rutland had. I have seen
a few (maybe the same one) of these in the way
background of shots but I have never come across even
a so,so picture of one much less a decent or good one.
I'm not even sure that the Erie had any? Any help
there would be usefull.

One of the things that I used to scream to myself
about while I was printing C.T. Felstead Collection
shots is the few feet of the end of something
interesting. And he (and all the other photographers
shots in his collection) would not turn 35 degrees and
shoot one of a car or caboose or of the facilities (
roundhouse,coal towers etc,etc..) He used to crab at
me because I would change his enlarge height to blow
up those little bits of stuff to see lettering or
detail on the stub of what ever was on the negative.

Rich YoungŸ

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