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(erielack) Off list inquiry: susquehanna valley and gulf summit

If anyone can help Timothy, please contact him directly, as he is not a list 


Tim Costello

>Timothy Tetreault wrote:

>  To Whom it may concern,   I have had allot of problems locating the right 
people,I > am hoping you are the people I need, I am recreating the gulf 
summit and >Susquehanna rail lines I am looking for the possibility of photos 
of the
> surrounding area of the lines and photos of the rail cars that were used, 
wether it > > be passenger and or freight cars I
> am between 1900-1915 the only thing I know of this line is that the line 
was  >shutdown just before or around the
> begining of world war 1 and was this line used to transport military 
vehicles and or >personnel before the rail was shutdown.                      

Thanks for any help you can give
> Tim 
- -EMail flyboy3826_@_earthlink.net --- Timothy Tetreault
