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(erielack) ELHS dues and publications

Rick Fleisher's post reminds me to say something I have been meaning to for
some time.

For members of the ELHS:

Rich Behrendt resigned from the post of Editor for The Diamond about a year
ago.  We found a replacement who, after a long time and a long time
wrestling with the situation, decided that he didn't want to, or more
accurately, didn't have enough time to, do it after all.  He had a co-editor
to work with who is still interested and may continue to be involved.

Fortunately, Rich was able to step back into those large shoes and pick up
where he left off.  This has, however left us a bit behind schedule.  We
have an issue at the printer now and it should be mailed fairly soon, but we
need to do another before we complete the present membership cycle.

Remember our membership is NOT based on the calendar, but rather on a sort
of "Contract" arrangement, where for your $18+$2 you get two issues of The
Diamond, plus however many Extra Boards come due at three per year until we
get the two Diamonds out to you.  For a long time, this has worked out to
_about_ once a year, but again, it is **not** based on an annual cycle.

We will issue a renewal notice when it is time to "re-up."

We apologize for the delay.  We're doing what we can.

Schuyler Larrabee
Chairman, ELHS

Visit the erielack photopage at http://el-list.railfan.net
