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Re: (erielack) Tower designations?

Remember, these designations date from the telegraph era.  While I've long
forgotten the morse my Grandfather tried to teach me (he started as a
telegrapher on the CB&Q in the 1920s) I recall he indicated some of the
frequently used letters in tower and station designations were so because they
were the easiest letters (say, just a "dash") or were so different from the
others that an erroneous dot or dash would result in something undecipherable,
rather than a letter in error.

Another thing- the designations didn't have to "mean" anything, though they
frequently were based on something.

>There are some odd ones... Some are pretty obvious, others, less so!
>Maybe we should keep a list of these?
>Ones I know:
>"HX" - Hacksensack Xing (drawbridge just west of Croxton, NJ)
>"DB" - DrawBridge (swingspan on the NY&GL in Secaucus, NJ)
>"SF" - SuFfern
>"BJ" - Rutherford - Bergen Junction?
>"WC" - Waldwick - Waldwick Crossovers?
>"WJ" - Ridgewood Jct. - ridgeWood Junction?
>Others that I'd love to know:
>"MQ" - Campbell Hall...
>"KW" - Croxton, east end...
>	- Paul
>> Okay, can anyone tell me what the 2 letter designations on 
>> the Erie mean, or 
>> what the pattern is i.e. AQ Tower in Corning?

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