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RE: (erielack) as 616


	The Erie/EL didn't have AS616's, but they did have the nearly-identical
DRS-6-6-1500. There's a nice shot of 1151 in the book "Erie Power" by

	- Paul

>-----Original Message-----
>From: "owner-erielack_@_internexus.net"
>[mailto:"owner-erielack_@_internexus.net"]On Behalf Of Timothy S Heckman
>Sent: Sunday, June 21, 1998 5:42 PM
>To: "erielack_@_internexus.net"
>Subject: (erielack) as 616
>i am trying to finish a ho as616 in erie black colors and was wondering
>where i could find a picture of one
>    tim heckman
>    ELHS 2571
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>Visit the erielack photopage at http://el-list.railfan.net

Visit the erielack photopage at http://el-list.railfan.net
