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Re: (erielack) Erie FA's in early EL freight paint

        Matt Forsyth asked about lettering EL black F units.  
After reviewing several books, the EL in Color series, Volume 4, Erie 
Lackawanna Story and EL Eastend, it seems that the offical paint 
orginally was the word Erie-Lackawanna spelled out, but few F or FA 
units where done up this way, most got the yellow EL diamond on the 
side instead. I have done up several Athearn F-7 units using 
Micro-Scale #87-0016 deal sets. These had the yellow bib for the nose 
and the yellow striping, numbers and EL diamond. For the black nose 
diamond  I used the one from Accu-Cals 582H Erie & EL early F unit 
set. Mico-Scale also has a set of decals for EL hood units that has a 
black nose diamond in it also. I do not have a set on hand at this 
time to look up the number. 
Bob Stafford

Visit the erielack photopage at http://el-list.railfan.net
